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The average consumer is not going to buy wholesale. Why not you
may ask? Because they would end up with a whole lot of body jewelry that
one person simply would not have use for. Buying wholesale is for the
business person. Do you need to be a big business to buy wholesale? No,
you certainly do not. Small business need the benefit of buying
wholesale and for the body piercing business or body jewelry merchandise
selling business, this can mean the difference between profit or loss.
Buying in bulk can mean many different things. Do you have to buy one hundred bellybutton rings? No it does not, not to worry. In many cases, bulk can mean as little as a dozen of a certain item. Therefore, you can have a great assortment of body jewelry without being overstock on any one piece. The whole purpose to selling and buying wholesale is to cut down on the price of goods for the business person so that they can turn around and make a profit.
It will, however, be up to you to make good choices on what you decide to purchase in bulk. Your goal will be to have quality pieces that will sell and not sit on the shelf. When done correctly, this is the best way to make your profit.
Because the majority of body jewelry can be manufactured quite inexpensively, there is a huge market for wholesale body jewelry. Everyone comes out ahead, the manufacturer, the wholesale buyer, and in the end, the end buyer as you can sell your pieces for a relatively low price while still making a profit.
You can buy lip rings, ear rings, tongue piercings, eye brow piercings, labret studs, barbells and just about any ring or stud you wish via wholesale. What should you be looking for? While you can certainly purchase extremely cheap jewelry, the material that you buy should be one of the main elements that you do not skimp on. Any wholesale body jewelry that you purchase should be stainless steel. If you don't go with SS, this is going to backfire on you.
When you are looking at your selections, it is very important to not just choose the pieces that catch your eye. Why, you may ask? Think about your customer base.
Buying in bulk can mean many different things. Do you have to buy one hundred bellybutton rings? No it does not, not to worry. In many cases, bulk can mean as little as a dozen of a certain item. Therefore, you can have a great assortment of body jewelry without being overstock on any one piece. The whole purpose to selling and buying wholesale is to cut down on the price of goods for the business person so that they can turn around and make a profit.
It will, however, be up to you to make good choices on what you decide to purchase in bulk. Your goal will be to have quality pieces that will sell and not sit on the shelf. When done correctly, this is the best way to make your profit.
Because the majority of body jewelry can be manufactured quite inexpensively, there is a huge market for wholesale body jewelry. Everyone comes out ahead, the manufacturer, the wholesale buyer, and in the end, the end buyer as you can sell your pieces for a relatively low price while still making a profit.
You can buy lip rings, ear rings, tongue piercings, eye brow piercings, labret studs, barbells and just about any ring or stud you wish via wholesale. What should you be looking for? While you can certainly purchase extremely cheap jewelry, the material that you buy should be one of the main elements that you do not skimp on. Any wholesale body jewelry that you purchase should be stainless steel. If you don't go with SS, this is going to backfire on you.
When you are looking at your selections, it is very important to not just choose the pieces that catch your eye. Why, you may ask? Think about your customer base.
Everyone is going to have different tastes and many of them will prefer body jewelry that would not be your first choice. It is best to offer a large variety. You will want cute, flowery girly jewelry,
strong masculine pieces and everything in between. If you do not know
who will be walking in the door, be sure to have something for everyone.
It is suggested to have at least a few pieces of every colored gem. In
this way, no one can walk away disappointed and you will by busy making
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Show me another »What type of body jewellery could I wear in my Cartilage piercing?
got my left cartilage pierced recently, during the Easter holidays.
When it's healed I would like to buy some body jewellery for it, but I
would like some tips on:
1) What would be the best type of jewellery to wear?
2) Which would be easy to insert and remove without damaging the piercing?
Many thanks. The best answer gets 10/10 from me :-)
1) What would be the best type of jewellery to wear?
2) Which would be easy to insert and remove without damaging the piercing?
Many thanks. The best answer gets 10/10 from me :-)
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Only us good metal jewellery (Silver, gold, platinum, titanium, etc) as cartilage is very easily infected. Regarding ends (fastenings)
on jewellery, I'd only use metal too, as altough plastic is safe to
use, the fastenings can easily snap, and if you lose the earing and dont
realise, it might close up and or get infected.
Did you get it pierced with a needle or a gun? If it's a needle - probably a 1.2mm - you will be able to get many different bars to put in it. If it was done by a gun you should'nt change it whatsoever. It's unsafe to get cartilage pirced with a gun to begin with, as the cartilage can shatter, and you can lose your ear, and changing the jewellery will increase the risk of this. If it was done by a gun, you can have it re-pierced with a gun, and you can then change jewellery. NEVER use normal lobe earrings for your cartillage, even if they fit.
Go back to where you got your cartilage pierced, they will be able to supply different jewellery, sometimes in different colours (I have a pink bar, a blue bar, and even a multicoloured one!)
Also, you can get different fastenings, or ends, to attach to the bar you already have at the front, like little spikes, or bigger circles.
Hope this helps!!
Did you get it pierced with a needle or a gun? If it's a needle - probably a 1.2mm - you will be able to get many different bars to put in it. If it was done by a gun you should'nt change it whatsoever. It's unsafe to get cartilage pirced with a gun to begin with, as the cartilage can shatter, and you can lose your ear, and changing the jewellery will increase the risk of this. If it was done by a gun, you can have it re-pierced with a gun, and you can then change jewellery. NEVER use normal lobe earrings for your cartillage, even if they fit.
Go back to where you got your cartilage pierced, they will be able to supply different jewellery, sometimes in different colours (I have a pink bar, a blue bar, and even a multicoloured one!)
Also, you can get different fastenings, or ends, to attach to the bar you already have at the front, like little spikes, or bigger circles.
Hope this helps!!
Had my cartilage pierced and have many other piercings.
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This question about "What type of body je… " was originally asked on Yahoo! Answers United Kingdom
Other Answers (1)
I would get a metal bar, with screw on balls